Secure, reliable boat storage at Dave’s Outboard—protecting your investment year-round!
Boat & Trailer Storage at Dave’s Outboard
Dave’s Outboard offers both inside and outside storage for boats, trailers, and vehicles throughout the winter and summer seasons. A limited number of slips are also available for rent during the summer.
Storage Agreement
All tenants must agree to the following terms before storing their property:
Insurance Responsibility
Dave’s Outboard does not provide additional insurance beyond the bond required by the State of Wisconsin. Tenants are responsible for obtaining their own insurance to cover stored property.
Dave’s Outboard is not liable for damage caused by fire, storms, snow, wind, water, or any other unforeseen circumstances.
Billing & Payment
A signed storage agreement is required before storing any property.
Bills will be sent after January 1st.
Unpaid bills will result in removal from the retrieval schedule.
Storage Duration & Access
Winter storage runs September – June.
All storage buildings are off-limits to customers.
Items will be delivered to Dave’s Outboard on Long Lake for pickup in the spring, unless other arrangements are made.
Sizes & Rates
15’ and under (includes cars): $455
16’-19’: $545
20’ and over: $645